You have downloaded a custom template and don't know what to do next. Let's try to find out but remember that in any case you must have basic HTML and CSS knowledge. А. A template consisting of static HTML pages.
1. There must be a folder with images or separate image files; a file named index.htm or index.html. Besides there may be a file either in text format or style.css.
2. Upload images to the website – via File Manager or FTP. It is better to create a separate folder for images or to upload the whole folder from the archive if any.
3. Go to Template Builder (in CP -> Customize Design). Paste the code from index.html into the editing area and add $ucoz_codes$ according to the rules, written below. Do not forget to check and save the result from time to time. Paste content of the style file directly into the template, before the tag . Before doing this select in Common Settings the design, the colors of which fit your template best of all.
4. After the skeleton is ready, delete all styles from it and paste them in CSS. Add them just after the section /* General Style */
B. A template is adjusted for uCoz.
1. First of all download the template.
2. Then view what you have downloaded – if it is a general template then you can apply it for all pages except the forum (unless the template description says that is can be used for forum as well).
3. Go to your website CP ( Main » Customize Design » Template Builder.
4. Make sure that the downloaded archive has: tmpl.txt (main template code), styles.css (CSS styles), and the folder 'img' (where all template images are stored).
5. Open tmpl.txt (e.g. by means of the notepad), copy the whole text (ctr+A, ctr+C), and paste it into Template Builder.
6. Then go to Customize Design » Style sheets (CSS). Open styles.css (e.g. by means of the notepad), copy the whole text (ctr+A, ctr+C), and paste it into the opened CP window.
7. Upload all images from the 'img' folder into File Manager or via FTP.
8. That's all, enjoy you new website design.
P.S. If you have downloaded a template that has a 'css' folder with two files, then you should upload this folder to your File Manager as well.
C. A DLE template.
1. Upload 'CSS' and 'images' folder to the root folder (dleimages and other are not needed).
2. Open the file 'mailn.tpl' by means of the notepad.
3. Copy the contents and paste it into CP → Customize Design → Site Pages instead of the default code. Do not forget to add the code $POWERED_BY$
4. Then go to Customize Design → Quick replacement.
4.1. Change {THEME} into an empty field, i.e. paste {THEME} into the first field and leave the second field empty.
5. Then just add BB codes, operators etc., i.e. edit the template.
And the last case. You like a design but cannot find its template.
1. Open the website page in “View source code” mode.
2. Copy and paste this code into HTML editor, e.g. Dreamweaver or FrontPage.
3. Open PhotoShop and draw the logo.
4. Insert $uCoz_codes$ and the logo into the necessary places.
5. Copy the edited template from the editor to the website.
6. Adjust CSS.
7. See the result.
Tutorial By: Sunny